Desert Storm the Beginning of the Air Assault 2nd Edition
The Commander In Chief’s Trophy is a mystery initiated by the rivalry between the cadets at West Point and the midshipmen at the Naval Academy. In this book, theft is expanded to include a much larger prize. Then, a simple robbery explodes into a potential court martial and military action in “Operation Normandy.”

Paul H. D'Anna
Paul H. D’Anna, born in New Orleans’ French Quarter in 1943, is an LSU graduate with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. After early roles at IBM, Shell, and Mobil Exxon, he founded PC CONSULTANTS in 1992. Retiring in 2010, he now cultivates Louisiana mirlitons.
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An Enjoyable Fictional/Factual Story
The fictional re-tell of a factual but important military event was an enjoyable read. The author takes liberty to surround the actual event with a fictional and humorous story about a group of cadets’ prank to steal the Commander-In-Chief’s trophy. I especially liked the author’s undertones of humor as he retells his fictional version of an actual military event. I found it a short but enjoyable read and recommend it. The multiple endings and suggestions if made into a movie version offered added humor combined with serious possibilities and suggestions. – Amazon review by T. Berger